Beyond the Academy

Writing and presenting ideas for a public audience is a major part of my work. I really enjoy working in non-academic contexts and taking my research outside of the academy.

In the past this has involved giving two public lectures at The Mount, Edith Wharton's home in Lennox, Massachussetts; leading workshops on a production of Brideshead Revisited at the Oxford Playhouse; giving the opening lecture of the Hopkins and the Great War exhibition at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore; and writing and presenting a podcast on my research, which won the WWI Public Engagement Competition at the University of Oxford. You can listen to the podcast, entitled Remembering before the End: Death and the Great War, below, as well as a WWI panel discussion on Woodrow Wilson recorded at the British Library in April 2017, and a podcast on ‘Modernism At War’ as part of the Modernist Podcast in July 2017.